Tuesday, June 14, 2011

GREAT Teachers

Our KK's pre-k teachers have been SUPER to My Love and I.  They do things for us that other teachers do not, such as giving us copies of things KK has done or achieved and sharing important info with us.  Not to mention what GREAT teachers they actually are!!  Their AWESOMENESS made me want to do something for them at the end of school.
I had seen an AWESOME post at Creative Mommas on making a Crayon Monogram.  I thought these were too cute and seemed easy to make.  I had the paper and just needed crayons and frames.  We let KK pick out what color paper to use for each teacher (she had 3) and what color crayons to use.  My Love cut the crayons the length we needed and I put it all together.  I think they came out cute and we were told that the teachers LOVED them.  I hope they did.  I also made some rosettes (which I am addicted to making) for the wrapped present.  Here are pics of each monogram and the rosettes:

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